Make Your Case
Business Case & ROI Templates
How can we help you?
Save time and effort with our Templates. We also provide a set a free tools available for immediate download.
ProForma Templates
Download our easy-to-use ProForma Templates to help navigate your way through any business decision.
Universal CaseBuilder
Download all the tools you need to build, support, and present your business case.
Free Templates
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Check out our Blog for insights on Business Cases and related topics.
Engage our team to assist you in building customized tools and templates for your next project.
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Why You Need Our Templates…
Save Time & Effort
Don’t waste time searching further or starting from scratch. Our templates pay for themselves in minutes.
Immediate Download
Begin using templates within seconds after purchase.
All templates are in MS Office (Word™, Excel™. PowerPoint™). Easily customize – no locked cells or macros.
Easy to Use
Allows non-financial users to “plug and play” with reliable results. No PhD required.
No-hassle, 30-day money-back guarantee.

Custom Tool Development
Our team can develop easy-to-use ROI calculators & spreadsheets to support any business application.

Business Case & Business Plan
Our experienced team can build a compelling business case or a business plan for your project or organization.

Research & Pricing Assistance
Our team can help you with expert level pricing development and market & competitive research.
Some Numbers
Successfully building strong business cases since 1999.
Company Projects

Brainstorming for Decision Makers
A vital piece of the decision-making process is the quest for alternatives. Missing that step may result in a much longer learning curve and a significant increase in the cost of your firm’s growth

The Business Case for Business Cases
Good business decisions do not happen by accident. They rely on appropriate levels of research and analysis. A business case enables a decision maker to analyze a business situation in a thorough and concise manner, with the objective of making an accurate decision. Accurate decisions limit risk while increasing chances for success.